Program for SeaGL 2019 - A Prime Year for Free Software

Keynote - Lisha Sterling
presented by Elior Sterling
The Cost Of Freedom
Google knows where you were last night. Amazon knows what you got for your birthday. Facebook can spill all the details of your life in a security breach or with a police warrant. They all farm you for your sweet, sweet data. No one bothers to sell you software any more. If you aren't the product they sell, then they just sell you a subscription to use their tools for a...
more 09:30 - 09:55 Theater
Keynote - Abigail Cabunoc Mayes
presented by Abigail Cabunoc Mayes
Open by Design: Learning to Lead Openly
Free/libre and open source software has unlocked countless digital innovations. At the same time, we’ve seen these projects struggle to be sustainable, secure and inclusive.
In her talk, Abby will explore how the principles of open leadership —understandable, extensible, participatory— provide a necessary base to solve the toughest problems we face ...
more 10:00 - 10:25 Theater
How to use linux tools to troubleshoot small networks
presented by Jeff Silverman
It's fairly common knowledge about the tools available to troubleshoot a network, but it is not so common as to know which tool to use, or how to use the tools together in order to figure out the problem and how to fix it.
In this workshop, I am going to discuss the OSI model (and how it sort of kind of fits the TCP/IP model) and then go up the stack to show what can go wrong at each level, ...
more 10:45 - 11:35 TALKS 3178 Systems/Ops
DIY Decentralization
a response to growing online censorship of marginalized communities on major platforms
presented by Aeva Black
During the last two years, in response to new laws like FOSTA and under pressure from politicians, our major digital communication platforms (Facebook, Google, Tumblr, etc) have deployed machine-learning-based content moderation at a "move fast and break things" pace. This has resulted in the removal of content from marginalized communities, and the prioritization of the viewpoints of certain g...
more 10:45 - 11:35 TALKS 3179 Security/Infosec
Introduction to test-kitchen and InSpec
presented by Lance Albertson
Whether you’re using Chef, Puppet or Ansible, you’re going to need a set of tools which help enable you to develop and test your infrastructure. One set of tools that we use at the OSU Open Source Lab is test-kitchen coupled with InSpec. Test-kitchen provides a test harnes...
more 10:45 - 11:35 TALKS 3183 Security/Infosec
Privacy, Decentralisation and Scaling with IPv6 Multicast
Decentralize the Internet With This One Weird Trick
presented by Brett Sheffield
Written in 2001, RFC 3170 states: "IP Multicast will play a prominent role on the Internet in the coming years. It is a requirement, not an option, if the Internet is going to scale. Multicast allows application developers to add more functionality without significantly impacting the network."
Nearly two decades later, multicast is still largely ignored and misunderstood. There are many co...
more 10:45 - 11:35 TALKS 3180 Something Different!
Organizing your way to a long and healthy career
presented by Audrey Eschright
What does it take to have a 10- or 20-year career in tech — or even longer? We could talk about the hard work and technical skills, mentoring and collaboration, and privilege that can be involved. There’s one big way we can increase the odds for all of us though, and that’s to organize. From #talkpay to unionization, you’ll learn about the skills and tactics that will give us the opportunity to...
more 13:00 - 13:20 TALKS 3179 People
Containerized sourcery with Docker and Snap
presented by Adam Monsen
What if sudo apt install imagemagick
or sudo dnf install imagemagick
gets an old version or one missing the features you need? You need to find a 3rd party build or manually compile and install from source. I'll show you how Docker and Snap can be used to create packages with the features you need that can be used without cluttering up your system with a manual install.

Devops: A History
presented by Nell Shamrell
In the midst of buzzwords like "devops", "containers", "continuous delivery", "IAAS", and even "cloud" it can be easy to forget the problems these concept were created to solve. It is impossible to fully understand DevOps as it is now without understanding where it came from. This talk will take you through a journey of each stage of the DevOps movement - from the very beginning to the most ble...
more 13:00 - 13:20 TALKS 3180 Something Different!
Adventures in De-Googling
presented by Rachel Kelly
Data management and control has never been more critical. Fortunately, there's never been more information on taking control over your own Stuff than today. I'd like to take an audience through the process of leaving just one of these vectors of data control, Google. That's right, replacing Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, and Google Calendar. Some tools are open, some are not. I will be ...
more 13:00 - 13:20 TALKS 3183 AI/ML/Data Privacy
Empowering New Programmers Through Introductory Arduino Workshops
presented by Hailee Kenney
Do you remember the first time you fell in love with programming? The joy that you felt the first time you wrote some code and saw your very first “Hello World”? For some of us it was a BASIC program, for others it was a GeoCities page. Those experiences inspire us to want to learn more and explore the limits of technology. This is the kind of experience that I try to cultivate when organizing...
more 13:30 - 14:20 TALKS 3183 Education
Consistent Technical Documents Using Emacs and Org Mode
Applying Literate Programming to Technical Writing
presented by Mike Hamrick
When writing about programming or other technical subjects, you're often weaving blocks of source code, program output, and raw data in with your prose. These supplementary materials are usually copied and pasted into your document from other sources, which can be difficult and tedious to keep up-to-date as things change. Inconsistencies and errors can easily creep in when you "hard-code" dynam...
more 13:30 - 14:20 TALKS 3180 Documentation
Releasing Open Source Code in a Large Enterprise
A Unique Model for Open Source Monetization
presented by Joe Roets
Releasing Open Source Code in a Large Enterprise and a Unique Model for Open Source Monetization
I will speak about releasing a major open source project within a Fortune 100 company. I will detail the intense process navigated within Disney to release our project under an open source license in 2016.
Such as:
- Executive sponsorship from multiple divisions
- Legal approval
- - Licen...

Make it Official: In Praise of Official Programs for Diversity & Inclusion
presented by Deb Nicholson
Diversity and inclusion programs with metrics, funding and official support from the top perform better, last longer and are more impactful. Well-articulated goals help projects tout successes, which in turn inspires more participation -- so let's make it official!
Once the hard work of choosing strategies to increase diversity and improve inclusion is done, set aside some budget. It's not f...
more 14:45 - 15:05 TALKS 3179 People
Digital Art Characters Step-by-Step with Krita
presented by Alice Monsen
A ten-year-old teaches the basic steps of a steampunk-themed RPG character in a free/libre/open-source digital art program called Krita.
14:45 - 15:05 TALKS 3183 Design/UI/UX/Accessibility
Old Dogs & New Tricks
What's New with Perl5 This Century
presented by John SJ Anderson
The Perl programming language has a somewhat checkered reputation. People enjoy ranting about the supposed "read-only" nature of the language, and war stories of having to maintain horrible legacy Perl codebases are a popular feature of after-hours gatherings at programming conferences around the world. But, as Bjarne Stroustrup notes, "There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people com...
more 14:45 - 15:05 TALKS 3180 Programming
Glass Beatstation : An open source mobile and modular musical interface for Linux machines and musicians that don't know how to use Linux
presented by Athan Spathas
As a self-taught/amateur programmer, I was able to use open source programs to start building the versatile and accessible music workstation I’ve long dreamed of called the Glass Beatstation. The fact that I have been able to get this project functional to any degree is a great credit to the FLO (Free/Libre/Open Source) community. In the pro...
more 14:45 - 15:05 TALKS 3178 Something Different!
More than dabbling in a Security Engineer career
presented by Dwayne Thomas
Becoming as Security Engineer: This presentation only hints at recommendations and is not prescriptive for entering the security field. It willingly suggests that other parts of life keep happening. Other smoke and mirrors are revealed in this talk but... quality time advocating high priority fixes, plowing bug bounty programs, presenting security topics for Toastmasters, searching job sites, i...
more 15:15 - 15:35 TALKS 3179 Security/Infosec
Building Custom Linux Systems with Yocto
presented by Robert Joslyn
Have the need to build a custom Linux system for your next project? Are off-the-shelf distros too bloated or not giving the control you want? The Yocto Project provides a set of tools that make it easy to develop a custom Linux distribution tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're building an embedded IoT device, a high performance appliance, or even Docker containers, you can use Yocto ...
more 15:15 - 16:05 TALKS 3183 Hardware/IOT
Classic Tools for the Modern Age: Introducing Wash, the cloud native shell
presented by Michael Smith
Cloud infrastructure - particularly the focus on distributed systems and micro services - has made it more difficult to understand what's happening across multiple systems, how our systems interact, and even what we're running at this particular moment. More distributed systems have sprung up to help you manage that. We have log and metrics aggregators and distributed tracing systems to help yo...
more 15:15 - 15:35 TALKS 3180 Systems/Ops
My Own Private Binary
Writing a Linux Kernel Module
presented by Brian Raiter
Come and dip your toes into the world of writing Linux kernel modules. At this talk, we will define our very own executable file format, teach the Linux kernel how to run it, and see how we can use it.
15:15 - 16:05 TALKS 3178 Programming
Lesser-known features of GNU Makefilepresented by Flynn Liu
From tab-based indentation to automatic variables, Makefile never fails to surprise us with its exotic syntax. Besides its pitfalls, Makefile is a powerful template system that allows you to generate self-expanding code, thanks to a mechanism called lazy variables, paired with the ability to define multi-line macros. In this talk, we will explore these lesser-known features and see what we can ...
more 15:45 - 16:05 TALKS 3180 Programming
Security Compliance Testing with Inspec
presented by garrett honeycutt
This talk explains the need for functional testing for security compliance and shows how to implement that using Chef's InSpec software. It assumes no previous knowledge of functional testing or security compliance.
Attendees will leave understanding
- why this type of testing is important
- where to start
- how the tool works
- resources for learning more
This talk would fit in bo...
more 16:15 - 16:35 TALKS 3178 Security/Infosec
"This is fine" (the meme)
Fire Ecology, and Lessons in Learning Languages, Frameworks, and Tools Quickly
presented by Kate Pond
Over the last year and a half, I've been attempting to complete my career change from a park ranger to a developer. In that year and a half, I have learned Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, and React.js at a coding bootcamp, Swift and XCode an internship, and SQL, ASP.NET, and Typescript during another internship. I've also been introduced to C#, C++, Java, and Python. And even though each time ...
more 16:15 - 16:35 TALKS 3183 Programming
The Tor Project: the state of the Onion
presented by Gaba
Tor is open source software, a community, a network and a non-profit organization that moves its development forward. We advocate for infrastructure that allow people to communicate and use the Internet anonymously. In this talk I’m going give a short view of which features and bugs we are working on in the next year.
16:15 - 16:35 TALKS 3179 Security/Infosec
Microservices - A Cautionary Tale
presented by Amulya Bandikatla
Product transformation and diversification in the product suite is the essence of the success of any company in today’s rapidly changing technology world. Most of the architectural patterns prescribe solutions to scale up a single product under critical workloads. Microservices architecture is one such pattern that is highly efficient and applicable to scale up a product. Though this is applica...
more 16:15 - 16:35 TALKS 3180 Something Different!
"Technical"ly Incorrect
Every Job Is Technical; Use Something Else
presented by Jerome Comeau
In the IT Professional Industry, 'technical' is a word that is often used as a shibboleth, a password of sorts to separate people into in-groups and out-groups based on theoretical divisions that are often poorly defined, poorly understood, and frequently are simply used to discriminate against anyone who isn't the stereotypical "white dude coder".
To assume any non-developer role is "non-t...
more 16:45 - 17:05 TALKS 3183 People
25+ Years of FreeBSD and Why You Should Get Involved!
presented by Deb Goodkin
Did you know that FreeBSD is one of the oldest (1993), largest, and most successful open source projects in the world?FreeBSD is a free Unix-like operating system descended from Research Unix via the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), also known as “Berkeley Unix.” It’s known for its reliability, stability, and advanced networking and performance.
I'm going to share FreeBSD's long histor...
more 16:45 - 17:05 TALKS 3179 Education
Controlling your model trains with your computer and free software
presented by Mairi Dulaney
This talk will cover using your computer to control your model trains. It's pretty easy; just need a laptop (or other computing device) with enough resources to run a Java based graphical application, an Arduino Uno, Arduino motor shield, 15vdc power supply, and some time to set it all up. I will cover JMRI for the laptop, and DCC++ on the Arduino.
16:45 - 17:05 TALKS 3180 Hardware/IOT
Personal OSINT
presented by Nadine Whitfield
How to safeguard your public data
Topic: Security/InfoSec
Audience: Beginner to Intermediate
So, I have a profile online in { FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN, INSTAGRAM }. This data is already public. I also know that there have been past issues with data, but I've configured my accounts to only target the people I really w...
more 16:45 - 17:05 TALKS 3178 Security/Infosec
Keynote - Benjamin Mako Hill
presented by Benjamin Mako Hill
How markets coopted free software’s most powerful weapon
App stores and the so-called “sharing economy” are two examples of business models that rely on techniques for the mass aggregation of distributed participation over the Internet and that imply didn’t exist a decade ago. In my talk, I argue that the firms pioneering these new models have learned and adapted processes from commons-based...
more 09:30 - 09:55 Theater
Keynote - Sage Sharp
presented by Sage Sharp
Countering Impostor Syndrome Culture
Impostor syndrome is the combination of unrelenting standards for yourself, and feeling like you're an intellectual fake. There have been many talks that focus on changing the person who experiences impostor syndrome. But there are few resources for how the free software community can support people who experience impostor syndrome. How do we encourage ne...
more 10:00 - 10:25 Theater
Playing in the Sandbox
Improve Security and Privacy with Userspace Compartmentation
presented by Toby Betts
With the high frequency of corporate data breaches and the increased use of invasive tracking software used by modern websites, it is more important than ever to protect your data from unauthorized access. Rigorous coding practices might help developers avoid security bugs, but what can regular users do to keep their data safe when they don't control the code? In this talk we'll explore the bas...
more 10:45 - 11:35 TALKS 3180 Security/Infosec
Taking control of our Networks, Data & Privacy
Building Network Equipment & Self-Hosting Services with Free Software and Liberated Hardware
presented by Nishant Sharma
We are losing more and more control of our data every passing day. Data is the new oil and majority of the devices, software and services want to capture as much information about us as possible.
The flurry of proprietary smart (spy) devices are taking away our freedom and privacy. An innocent looking Router or a WiFi Access Point could be snooping on us and sending our data to the manufact...
more 10:45 - 11:35 TALKS 3179 Hardware/IOT
Learning Natural Language Processing through The Regender Project
presented by Eva Monsen
Research has shown that the way we use language influences the way we think. Can we begin to disentangle gender from our identities through language? Inspired by modern speculative fiction writers like Ann Leckie, the Regender Project aims to explore that question by using technology to alter the genders used in English text: changing male characters to female and vice versa, or assigning every...
more 10:45 - 11:35 TALKS 3183 AI/ML/Data Privacy
Codes of Conduct and Restorative & Transformative Justice
presented by Aaron Wolf
Codes of Conduct aim to promote and maintain healthy communication and communities, both online and offline. People debate what to tolerate, what to censor, and how to deal with enforcement. This talk aims to inspire more discussion and consideration for embracing the ideas of Restorative and Transformative Justice.
Restorative Justice means that in resolving any conduct violation or interpe...
more 10:45 - 11:35 TALKS 3178 People
Bash 101: platforms, user-space, and built-ins
presented by Ryan McKern
As developers, operations engineers, system administrators, or hackers, the shell is often one of the first "power tools" we learn and bash
is often the first shell we learned. I'll take a short walk through the history of the shell as an interface, how user innovations at University of California, Berkley and Massachusetts Institute of Technology led to the rich ecosystem of user-space tools...

Open Source Won, but Software Freedom Hasn't Yet: A Guide & Commiseration Session for FOSS activists
presented by Bradley M. Kuhn, Karen M. Sandler
History never unfolds as we would expect. It's surprising and jarring that we've achieved both so much and so little. Every day, there is more Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in the world than ever in history, but it's also a little bit harder each day to live a life that avoids proprietary software. Today's world of software technology is a ridiculous paradox.
Most software that we...
more 13:00 - 13:50 TALKS 3179 People
Building Your Own Keyboard with Free Software
presented by Brian Mock
Mechanical keyboards are soaring in popularity recently. This talk explains why you might be interested in them as well.
The following topics will be covered:
- Case/plate/PCB
- Switches
- Caps
- Freedom of hardware
- A brief note on soldering
- Freedom of software
- GPL firmware: QMK
- Questions
Full size, tenkeyless, 75%, 65%, 60%, 40%, split, ortholinear...
more 13:00 - 13:50 TALKS 3183 Hardware/IOT
Digital Painting in Krita
presented by Oscar Baechler
Learn how to draw and paint in Krita, the 2D illustration program that puts brushes at the forefront of your workflow. Attendees will learn the principle workflows and conventions behind Krita, such as brushes, colors, and layers. Traditional artistic skills will also be covered, with a focus on how to draw and paint like a professional, and how Krita's interface corresponds to real world art m...
more 13:00 - 13:50 TALKS 3178 Design/UI/UX/Accessibility
There and Back Again, Reproducibly!
presented by Vagrant Cascadian
There is an epic journey from reviewed source code to the code you actually run on your computer, and things can go quietly wrong along the way!
We can't do absolutely everything ourselves by hand, so we necessarily put trust into something or someone along the way. Will you join us on the journey, brave adventurer?
What happens to your code as it passes through dark forests, trechero...
more 14:00 - 14:20 TALKS 3178 Security/Infosec
2019: A Lisp Odyssey
presented by Mark Polyakov
Yep, that language you forgot about after Comp Sci 101 is still alive and kicking! We'll explore the present and future of this ancient language, with a focus on Common Lisp:
- The general state of the Common Lisp language and development tools today, including some of the crazy things you can do with Emacs!
- StumpWM and the Next browser, examples of useful Common Lisp applications for the...

Once more with style
Considering whether your project needs a style guide
presented by John SJ Anderson
Would your Open Source software project benefit from a style guide? Would your project at work? It's tempting to reply to these questions with a reflexive "Yes, of course!" — the benefits of having an established coding style for a project, having rules around how things are formatted, what language features are to be used and which are to be avoided, seem obvious. It makes it easier to onboard...
more 14:00 - 14:20 TALKS 3183 Documentation
Project Springtime: a DIY backyard hydroponics system developed open-source-style
presented by Johannes Ernst
Like many, I've recently become fascinated by hydroponics: growing delicious food without soil, right at home, taking up minimal space. Food miles: zero. Freshness: minutes from harvest to plate. Variety: much better than any grocery store. What's not to like?
As a would-be hydroponic food grower, so far, you have two options: either you buy an (expensive) commercial system and remain satisf...
more 14:00 - 14:20 TALKS 3179 Hardware/IOT
presented by Rachel Kelly
TeaGL is the SeaGL tea swap.
Bring some tea to share Saturday afternoon in the expo hall.
We will have hot water on hand, so everyone can try something new.
Black, green, white, herbal, whatever! All teas are welcome at TeaGL.
Free As In Tea
14:15 - 14:45 Expo Hall
Bicycles as a Metaphor for FLOSS
presented by Wm Salt Hale
Over the last three years, I have really gotten into bicycling. From a negligible cycling past, I broke the 10,000 mile mark a while ago.
Last year, while riding from Seattle to Bellingham, from my biking community to my Linux community, I considered just how Freeing each transition had been. Historically biking has been associated with many things including health, happiness, and feminis...
more 14:45 - 15:05 TALKS 3180 Something Different!
Left Shift Security (LS^2) = Shifting Application Security Left
Automated security testing
presented by Nadine Whitfield
I will be sharing my learnings about security testing applications sooner and more often. Let's start a movement!
Topic: Security/InfoSec
Audience: Beginner to Intermediate
CI/CD has greatly reduced the time to market for releasing new software. Security and InfoSec are rapidly gaining importance and complexity, but unfortunately their supporting processes and tools ha...
more 14:45 - 15:35 TALKS 3179 Security/Infosec
Debian Software Management
presented by der.hans
Debian-based package management has been rock solid for many years. Still, there are complexities and nuances to explore.
This talk will be a tour of distribution provided software management tools and features in Debian and Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu.
Attendees will learn about:
- common software management tools
- features of debian packages
- parts of debian packag...

Chaos in the system
Why simple solutions don't work when they should
presented by AJ Jordan
This talk will critically examine the current state of computing through the lens of a highly-portable POSIX shell script I wrote, filter-other-days
. The problem that filter-other-days
is solving is seemingly simple: find all log entries on the entire system from the current date. But because of modern systems' complexity as well as applications' tendency to use disparate logging systems, w...

Contending With Our Culture of Discouragement
presented by Michael Dexter
The Free Software/Open Source community appears to be at a crossroads.
A brave woman declared that "enough is enough" with the disturbing statements of a pivotal figure in the community and it rightfully cost that figure a number of prominent positions. Remarkably, she wasn't the first woman to challenge a foundation leader this year and help usher them to the door.
Responses to such conf...
more 15:15 - 15:35 TALKS 3180 People

Free as in Freedom: Live at SeaGL!
presented by Karen M. Sandler, Bradley M. Kuhn
And they're back! Join Karen and Bradley as they record a live episode of Free as in Freedom (their podcast about legal, policy, and many other issues in the free and open source software world), for the first time with a live studio audience. The recording will begin with a brief chat about the conference and then move to topic suggestions and questions from you, the audience. Stop by the C...
more 15:40 - 17:10 TALKS 3183
A QUIC History of HTTP
presented by Bri Hatch
HTTP, first defined in 1991, has undergone radical change since it was created by Tim Berners-Lee in the days of dialup. We'll cover the notable problems and improvements from 0.9 up to the proposed HTTP/3 which sheds TCP entirely and implements a secure and highly performant TLS-over-UDP protocol known as QUIC.
No prior knowledge of HTTP or networking is required, but even those comfortable...
more 15:45 - 16:05 TALKS 3179 Systems/Ops
The fallacy of move fast and break things
presented by Dawn Parzych
The phrase "move fast, and break things" has been echoing down the halls of tech companies for years. While this may sound like a good way to operate it will be challenging without having processes in place to set teams and individuals up for success. You might be thinking "Ugh process. Processes stifle innovation, slow things down, and introduce unnecessary hurdles to jump through." But in ord...
more 15:45 - 16:05 TALKS 3180 Something Different!
Snek: A Python-Inspired Language for Tiny Embedded Computers
presented by Keith Packard
Tiny embedded computers, like the original Arduino, are great for automating simple tasks. What they are not great at is providing an easy-to-learn environment for new programmers.
As a part of a middle school robotics course based on Lego, I've developed a new language, Snek, which runs on these machines. Snek can run in as little as 32kB of ROM and 2kB of RAM. It provides a simpler, s...
more 15:45 - 16:05 TALKS 3178 Education
The Death Star Postmortem
What would a postmortem for a hugely complicated project such as the Death Star look like?
presented by Gareth J. Greenaway
Following every release of a complicated project is the inevitable postmortem, an opportunity for everyone to get together to discuss what went wrong and what could have been done better. When I think of complicated fictitious projects none is more complicated than the Death Star from Star Wars.
Not only was it a weapon with the capability of destroying an entire planet from quite some dista...
more 16:15 - 17:05 TALKS 3180 People
Getting started with Nextcloud
Self-hosted replacement for Dropbox, Google Drive, etc
presented by Charlotte McGraw
In this presentation I plan to introduce Nextcloud and provide examples of how to get started using it. This will include:.
- History of Nextcloud
- Why should you use Nextcloud instead of Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.
- Ways to get a Nextcloud instance
- Self-hosted at home
- Service provider
- How I use my Nextcloud server
- Cal and CardDav
- Note taking
- File sync ...

Co-operation: Putting it in Writing
presented by Delib
Just as copy-left uses principles of intellectual property rights to legally protect free and open source software, co-operatives use principles of business ownership to legally protect their collaborative relationships.
This talk is an exploration of co-operative organization forms for free and open sou...
more 16:15 - 17:05 TALKS 3178 People
Closing Party
presented by Rachel Kelly
17:55 - 21:55 Sole Repair Shop - Party Venue - 1001 E Pike St, Seattle WA 98122