Bri Hatch
Bri Hatch is Chief Hacker at Onsight, Inc. An adamant Open Source advocate and security buff, Bri is the author of Hacking Linux Exposed, Building Linux VPNs, and numerous online articles on the topics of Linux, security, and coding. He has been securing and breaking into systems since before he traded in his Apple II+ for his first Unix system.
Bri Hatch presents 8 Events:
Production Trenches: Pitfalls and Pratfalls at SeaGL 2015
Serving Secrets Securely at Seattle GNU/Linux Conference 2016
A QUIC History of HTTP at SeaGL 2019 - A Prime Year for Free Software
10 Vim Tricks at SeaGL 2020
Good Shell Patterns at SeaGL 2021
SSH from your DevOps CI/CD securely at SeaGL 2021
Tab completion for your custom commands at SeaGL 2022
Effective git code review - make their job easier and you look smarter at SeaGL 2023