Amanda Sopkin
Amanda is a full-stack software engineer for the rentals team at Zillow working to make the process of renting better for renters and property managers. In addition to working as a software engineer, she attends hackathons as a coach for Major League Hacking to help hackers have a great experience at the events they attend. Amanda has spoken on topics in mathematics and software engineering at Pycon, Devsum Sweden, Hackcon, and various hackathons around the country. Amanda holds a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Amanda Sopkin presents 3 Events:
Monitoring and Alerting: Knowing the Unknown at Seattle GNU/Linux Conference 2018
Computational Randomness: Controlled Chaos in an Ordered Machine at Seattle GNU/Linux Conference 2018
The United States' History with Free Software and what we can do to improve the Future at SeaGL 2020