TIL 2022: FLOSS Research Roundup

Kaylea Champion
Kaylea Champion is a graduate student in Communication at the University of Washington with a background in systems administration and support. Her research seeks to understand how people collaborate to build amazing things, like GNU/Linux and Wikipedia. In her free time, she enjoys tromping through the hills, cooking for a crowd, and smashing goblins.
2022 was another great year for FLOSS research! Academics around the globe study FLOSS communities and their development practices. In this talk, we'll explore the latest findings and trends in this research. I'll extract key observations that you can bring to your community and workplace.
- Date:
- 2022 November 5 - 15:40
- Duration:
- 30 min
- Room:
- Room 1
- Conference:
- SeaGL 2022
- Language:
- English
- Track:
- Miscellaneous
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- Self-hosting Simple Web Apps With Traefik and Docker Compose
- Start Time:
- 2022 November 5 15:40
- Room:
- Room 2