Presented by:

Christopher Neugebauer

from North Bay Python

Christopher is an Australian programmer now based in glorious Petaluma, California. He's a programmer of all sorts, and over the last year has been knee-deep in backend web development with Django. Christopher is strongly interested in developing the Australian and International Python communities: he was director of 2017, is on the organising committee for PyCon Australia. He's a past board member of Linux Australia, and has been a fellow of the Python Software Foundation since 2013.

Did you know that most people are not the same as most other people? I know, it surprised me too.

It turns out, that the differences that people share also affect the sort of clothing that fits them. Different people have different shapes. Different people like different colours.

T-shirt manufacturers, however, aren't always great at reflecting this diversity. Fewer colours are available in "women's cuts" than in "men's cuts". The colours available in larger sizes are not the colours available in smaller sizes. Some women do not fit into the same sorts of fitted t-shirt as other women. Not all men want "men's cut" shirts.

People in tech love t-shirts, and they can be a great way to get people to do free advertising for you. But for that to work, you need people to actually want to wear your shirt.

Over the last few years, the conferences that I've run have started working on ways to make our attendees enjoy their conference t-shirts more, with excellent results. I'd like to share these strategies with you so that we can fit more people into more excellent t-shirts.

2017 October 7 - 13:30
20 min
Room 3187
Something different

Happening at the same time:

  1. Automatically Watching the Most Interesting Twitch Streams
  2. Start Time:
    2017 October 7 13:30

    Room 5102

  3. A static site generator should be your next language learning project
  4. Start Time:
    2017 October 7 13:30

    Room 5104

  5. The journey to open source the .NET documentation
  6. Start Time:
    2017 October 7 13:30

    Room 1113

  7. How to get a cross-project feature landed in OpenStack
  8. Start Time:
    2017 October 7 13:30

    Room 3199