Magic, Myth, and the DevOps
Antidotes to Learned Helplessness and Fear Culture

Jennifer Davis
Jennifer Davis is a solutions engineer at Chef where she helps both individuals and companies simplify building and managing their infrastructure. She has spoken about DevOps, tech culture, and monitoring, and gives tutorials on a variety of technical topics. When she’s not working, she enjoys learning to make things and spending quality time with her dog.
"Once upon a time": powerful words that begin many oral narratives and indicate that the story to be told will be imbued with magic and myth. Organizational folklore can be a very powerful force for instilling or perpetuating behavior, systems, and culture within an organization.
Too often, fear and negativity are the driving forces in the folklore behind many organizational traditions. A positive narrative that embraces the customs and traditions of a healthy, balanced feedback loop can help jumpstart your DevOps journey. This talk will help you frame your narrative alongside metrics and use folklore as a catalyst for positive change.
- Date:
- 2015 October 24 - 13:30
- Duration:
- 50 min
- Room:
- Room 3178
- Conference:
- SeaGL 2015
- Language:
- Track:
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- Exhibitor Hall Day Two
- Start Time:
- 2015 October 24 10:00
- Room:
- Room 1110
- Intro to Making Music with GNU/Linux
- Start Time:
- 2015 October 24 13:30
- Room:
- Room 3184
- Take Control Of Your Web Browsing!
- Start Time:
- 2015 October 24 13:30
- Room:
- Room 3183
- How to Train Your Compiler
- Start Time:
- 2015 October 24 13:30
- Room:
- Room 3179