Contacts to Connections: CRM funneling for projects and people

Wm Salt Hale
/?/ Kilted Globetrotter,
Free/Libre/Open Advocate,
and Lifelong Hacker /?/
William Salt Hale, is a Seattle local who studies Technology and Society at the University of Washington (UW) Department of Communication and is the Community Director at He attends, organizes, and speaks worldwide at: conferences, conventions, events, festivals, and faires; on various topics including: communication, crowdmatching, internet technologies, linux, music, sci-fi/fantasy, security, and windsports. Salt is very approachable and will always be found wearing a kilt.
Do you have a pile of sticky notes, a folder full of spreadsheets, or a dusty box of business cards gathered at conferences? Have you ever had a donor approached by multiple people trying to gather the same information? Beyond an organizational context; are there friends that you haven't spoke to for some time and would like to, but how long has it been?
We meet new folks daily, whether in a personal context or organizational. Often, it becomes hard to keep track of where, when, and how the connections were made. Further, the upkeep of these connections include remembering important dates, following steps in a particular order, and capturing information from multiple sources. A solution to assist with all of this is the often used sales tool, a contact relationship manager (CRM). These provide many features beyond that of a mere address book.
Come learn about two non-sales focused tools, CiviCRM and Monica. See how they can be used to clean up your contacts; getting them back under your control.
- Date:
- 2020 November 14 - 13:15
- Duration:
- 30 min
- Room:
- Room 3
- Conference:
- SeaGL 2020
- Language:
- Track:
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- When does a service take away your software freedom?
- Start Time:
- 2020 November 14 13:15
- Room:
- Room 2
- Move Slow and Try Not to Break Each Other
- Start Time:
- 2020 November 14 13:15
- Room:
- Room 1