Presented by:

Tibbs recently graduated from the University of West of Scotland with a degree in computer security. She has relocated to Portland, OR, where she evangelizes for privacy and security while doing security assurance work for Portland General Electric. She is passionate about encouraging small children to take the plunge into STEM and about laughing at cats on the internet.

It’s easy to see what being secure means in an enterprise setting, but what about personal security? In a world where technology and the goal posts for security are constantly changing, understanding what threats you face and what risk they pose is the first step. In this talk, I will discuss what a threat model is, and walk you through the process of making a threat model relevant to your personal circumstances. Having this model will enable you to choose mitigation actions to suit your risk profile and lifestyle.

2018 November 10 - 10:45
50 min
Room 3183
Security, Information Security
No experience required

Happening at the same time:

  1. PHP isn't just for the web anymore: Daemonizing PHP
  2. Start Time:
    2018 November 10 10:45

    Room 3179

  3. Preparing Lesson Plans - Teaching Yourself, Training Others
  4. Start Time:
    2018 November 10 10:45

    Room 3184

  5. What Not to Automate
  6. Start Time:
    2018 November 10 10:45

    Room 3178

  7. Introduction to Identity Management
  8. Start Time:
    2018 November 10 10:45

    Room 3180