Presented by:

James has been writing software for over 20 years. When not in front of a computer, you might find him cooking vegetarian food, waiting on his cats, or traveling.

Recent versions of Docker support a clustering feature called swarm. Swarm allows a set of machines running Docker to form a cluster. Together with Docker Compose, swarm simplifies the task of deploying a set of services to multiple hosts and provides DNS based service discovery and load balancing without the need to run additional software.

During this talk you'll learn how to:

  • Package applications as docker images
  • Deploy multiple containers together using compose
  • Use swarm mode to communicate between containers
  • Scale your system to multiple machines

A full demo of the running system will be included.

This talk assumes basic knowledge of Linux, but does not assume prior experience with containers. A GitHub repo with all source code referenced during the talk will be provided.

2017 October 6 - 14:00
50 min
Room 1113

Happening at the same time:

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  2. Start Time:
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    Room 5104

  3. History of Control
  4. Start Time:
    2017 October 6 14:00

    Room 3187

  5. Bowerbirds of Technology
  6. Start Time:
    2017 October 6 14:00

    Room 5102

  7. Logs Are Magic
  8. Start Time:
    2017 October 6 14:00

    Room 3199